Law Enforcement Torch Run

Special Olympics of Massachusetts Hall of Fame 2023

Partners of the movement

The Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) for Special Olympics is the largest public awareness vehicle and grass-roots fundraiser for Special Olympics. In Massachusetts, it is a bedrock in community-building and vital to bringing Special Olympics programming and inclusion to every city, town, and neighborhood.  

The LETR is a year-round fundraising and awareness building program, designed to empower members of the law enforcement community to support Special Olympics athletes who live, work, and compete in their local communities. The individual agencies and LETR community members have been essential to propelling the mission and impact of Special Olympics across Massachusetts.

Ways To Get InvolvedBe an LETR Liaison


active departments

800+ officers involved

throughout the year in at least one activity. We have an active LETR Leadership Council with 15 officers.


fundraisers put on by LETR in 2022


raised for Massachusetts in 2022.

A man and a girl wearing their volunteer tshirts smiling
A girl standing up and smiling with thumbs up

History of the Law Enforcement Torch Run

Since 1981, when Wichita, Kansas Police Chief Richard LaMunyon saw an urgent need to increase awareness of Special Olympics, members of law enforcement have been bestowed the honor and responsibility of being the Guardians of the Flame. Since its inception, LETR has raised over 900 million dollars and changed millions of attitudes across the globe.

Massachusetts LETR Leadership Council

The LETR program is structured in a way that allows law enforcement and Special Olympics Massachusetts to work as true partners in advancing the cause. To accomplish this, a leadership council comprised of law enforcement officials from a cross section of departments across the state are tasked with managing the growth of the program and overall strategic vision.

Chief Jim Digianvittorio


Chief (ret.) Richard Price


Leadership Council Members
Jonathan Stackhouse
Kevin Christopher
Larry “LJ” Jedrey
John Evon
Kevin Considine
Andy Larose
Lenny Coppenrath
Dana Delorenzo
Jim DiGianvittorio
Tom Griffin
Rick Pierce
Larry Crosman
Bo Bilbo
Kristine Crosman
Ways To Get Involved

Get Involved in Massachusettes


Polar Plunge

The Massachusetts LETR community plays a massive role in ensuring the success of our annual Polar Plunge season. In 2023, members of LETR held 9 out of the 12 in-person Plunges across the state and raised more than $243,805 in 2022



Partner with a restaurant in town for a Tip-A-Cop fundraiser where officers work alongside the wait staff to earn “tips” or donations to Special Olympics Massachusetts.

Single player

Fun Runs

Runners show their support for Special Olympics MA by joining the LETR at one of their various fun runs throughout the year. From professionally timed 5Ks, to kid races and holiday fun runs, the LETR hosts races for everyone! Running events include awards for top finishers in different categories as well as top fundraising


Final Leg 

Law Enforcement members representing departments and communities all over Massachusetts will act as "Guardians of the Flame" and carry the Special Olympics Torch and "Flame of Hope" to the Opening Ceremonies of Special Olympics Massachusetts' Summer Games in Boston. 


Truck, RV, and Plane Pulls 

Participating teams take turns playing Tug-o-War with trucks, RVs, planes, trains, and more! Team prizes are awarded for the time-related accomplishments including the fastest overall cumulative pulls. Teams are encouraged to raise money for Special Olympics by collecting donations from friends, family, local businesses, etc. 


Cop on Top

Restaurants or businesses allow officers to station themselves on top of their building to raise awareness and money for Special Olympics Massachusetts athletes.  

Convoy Cruise

Cruiser Convoy

From the Berkshires to Provincetown, and the North Shore to New Bedford, Law Enforcement officers convoy from all over the state to the Special Olympics Massachusetts Summer Games at Harvard's Athletic Complex in Boston. Once they’ve arrived, officers are invited to present medals and interact with athletes! 

Convoy Cruise

Become a Torch Run Agency

Official Law Enforcement Torch Run Agencies will help drive our mission forward at a very grassroots level by: Identifying an LETR Liaison, presenting medals at Special Olympics competitions and participating in inclusive activities in your community, sending at least one cruiser to the annual Cruiser Convoy, participating in and/or organizing Torch Run fundraising events annually.


Frequently asked questions about Law Enforcement Torch Run

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What is the Special Olympics Massachusetts Law Enforcement Torch Run?
When is the Special Olympics Massachusetts Law Enforcement Torch Run?
How can I participate in the Law Enforcement Torch Run?
What does my department have to do to be a part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run?
LETR Memories

Law Enforcement Torch Run Over The Years