Stephanie Esposito


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Retired Attleboro Police Chief Receives International Recognition

On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, Retired Attleboro Police Chief Richard 'Rick' Pierce was awarded the 2020 John Carion 'Unsung Hero' Award by the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics International Executive Council.

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LETR 2019 Year in Review

Another very successful year for the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Torch Run program is about to come to an end.

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Gregg Gallant's Story - Natick Passion Plunge 2020

I'm Gregg and I am very excited to be part of your plunge today in support of Special Olympics.

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250 miles by the end of 2020

Meet the top fundraiser from the past few years of the Peabody Holiday Torch Run.

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Show Up for Your Team: Stay Healthy This Winter

Winter sports are in full swing, but staying healthy is key to showing up for your team. Cold weather brings an increase in illnesses like the flu, RSV, and COVID-19. Check out how you can prevent getting sick this season!

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From Fitness to Friendship: How Train 4 Life is Redefining Wellness for Special Olympics MA

Kimberly found more than just a fitness plan with Special Olympics MA's Train 4 Life—she found confidence, community, and a love for exercise! In two months, she’s lost 8 lbs, made new friends, and stays motivated!

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Matt Millett Ran How far in 2024?

Special Olympics Massachusetts athlete, Matt Millett had an incredible year running all over the place while setting personal records in the 5K and 10K distances. He inspired at least one fellow runner maybe he will get you to get after it.