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Massachusetts Schools Celebrate National Banner Recognition for 2023-2024 School Year

19 Massachusetts schools have earned national banner recognition from Special Olympics North America for their inclusive programming in the 2023-2024 school year. This honors their efforts to promote sports and activities for all.

North Reading High School breaks the ice as first school to plunge in Bear Force One

North Reading High School was the first school in Massachusetts to sign on and participate in Special Olympics MA’s mobile plunge with Bear Force One—a fully equipped mobile plunge pool that can hold up to 2,800 gallons of water.

Educating the Educators: Special Olympics MA hosts first Annual UCS Conference

On Friday, October 6th school leaders from around the state enthusiastically joined Special Olympics MA at Bentley University for the Unified Champion Schools Conference.


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Massachusetts Schools Celebrate National Banner Recognition for 2023-2024 School Year

19 Massachusetts schools have earned national banner recognition from Special Olympics North America for their inclusive programming in the 2023-2024 school year. This honors their efforts to promote sports and activities for all.

North Reading High School breaks the ice as first school to plunge in Bear Force One

North Reading High School was the first school in Massachusetts to sign on and participate in Special Olympics MA’s mobile plunge with Bear Force One—a fully equipped mobile plunge pool that can hold up to 2,800 gallons of water.

Educating the Educators: Special Olympics MA hosts first Annual UCS Conference

On Friday, October 6th school leaders from around the state enthusiastically joined Special Olympics MA at Bentley University for the Unified Champion Schools Conference.

Jake Blatnica always gets back up

Jake Blatnica of Natick, MA probably shouldn’t have been able to play sports, not at the high school level, anyway. Yet, today he is competing at the highest level and was named the Special Olympics High School Athlete of the year.

Special Olympics MA partners with Boston Public Schools to provide Unified sports across the district

So far, there are a total of 23 BPS that have committed to being a Unified Champion School, and Special Olympics MA is excited to continue growing that number.

Worcester State University Special Olympics Cheerleading Program Heads to Gillette

When Special Olympics cheerleaders stepped onto the field during the last local flag football game of the season at Worcester State University, they were met with a wave of support from football players, coaches, families, and friends.

Norwood Public Schools Pass the Torch to Kickstart Unified Sports Season

On Thursday, October 14th, Norwood Public Schools organized a district-wide opening ceremony and inclusive walk to demonstrate their participation in Special Olympics MA’s Unified Champion Schools program.

Wilmington educator runs at home for Special Olympics

Diana Hill is a Special Education teacher at Wilmington High School and a co-organizer of the Wilmington and Burlington Unified School Day Games which typically happens each spring.

Unified Sports in Schools

Unified Sports in schools, high schools, middle schools, or elementary schools is a program that can make a student with a disability feel included, spread awareness, and help change the life of any athlete that participates in the program.

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Jake Blatnica always gets back up
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Justin’s Journey: How one Facebook message changed the course of his life

A Facebook message changed Justin’s life, launching him into Special Olympics MA as a Unified Partner. This initial volunteer role evolved into a rewarding career, fueling his passion for helping individuals with intellectual disabilities.

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How old do you have to be to make a difference in the world?

At just 12 years old, Harrison Mendrala discovered Special Olympics and has now dedicated a decade to coaching—driven by a passion for community, achievement, and building lasting relationships with athletes.

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